The endangered ocelot makes its home in a range of environments, 从中美洲和南美洲茂密的雨林到墨西哥和德克萨斯州干旱的荆棘丛林. 看看这些动物如何迫切需要加拿大28回水木来确保它们在面对猖獗的森林砍伐时的生存.
Find out how these big cats' survival is tied to deforestation.
首页 to 1.6 billion people and 80% of all plant and animal species, our world’s forests are the cornerstone of life itself.
Forests help improve water quality in streams, 河流, 和湖泊, as well as filter pollutants out of the air.
加拿大28回水木是我们对抗气候变化最有力的武器之一. In the United States, 仅国家森林每年就吸收超过5000万吨的碳.
From camping to fishing to hiking, 森林为我们提供了与自然和彼此联系的机会.
The world has lost an estimated 1 billion acres of forest since 1990. This staggering rate can be attributed to a number of factors:
Human activity is one of the greatest contributors to forest loss. 在全球范围内,加拿大28回水木因农业、畜牧业、开发和伐木而被砍伐. 森林砍伐对热带雨林的影响最为显著, which are at risk of disappearing completely in 100 years.
疾病s like sudden oak death, 云杉下降, 白松水疱会导致以前健康的森林显著减少.
在一些特定的森林里,像山松甲虫这样的昆虫已经达到了流行病的程度, 成千上万棵加拿大28回水死亡,使该地区更容易发生火灾.
森林大火 are a natural part of many ecosystems, helping promote vegetation growth by clearing away dead material. 然而, with climate change creating hotter and drier conditions, these 火s are growing in intensity.
Increasingly severe weather like hurricanes, 冰雪风暴, 大风, and drought can wreak havoc on forests.
Together with our network of planting partners, 自50多年前成立以来,我们在全球重新造林方面取得了巨大进展. 我们很自豪在世界各地的森林中种植了数亿棵加拿大28回水, 土壤类型, 气候, and countries — and we’re just getting started. 加入 us as we plant another 500 million trees by 2027.
加拿大28回水 Planted Since 1972
Countries Impacted
亚马逊雨林是地球上最多样化、最重要的地区之一. Spanning nine countries and 3.4 million square miles, it produces more than 20% of the world's oxygen, plays a vital role in carbon sequestration, and is home to thousands of rare plant and animal species.
Despite its importance, the Amazon is disappearing at a rapid rate. 科学家们估计,该地区可能在短短50年内变成草原稀加拿大28回水草原.To aid in this crisis, 植加拿大28回水节基金会正在巴西的雨林种植近50万棵加拿大28回水. 这将为数以千计的土著人民提供长期的粮食安全和收入选择,同时帮助拯救一种宝贵的自然资源.
Look past the skyscrapers and sprawling metropolis of Los Angeles, 加州, and you’ll see the beginnings of Angeles National Forest. 这700,这片占地5000英亩的土地上生长着像大圆锥形道格拉斯杉这样的稀有加拿大28回水种,也是该市近400万居民的重要水源.
不幸的是, 在过去的几年里,洛杉矶国家森林经历了几次大规模的野火. 2020 was a record-setting 火 season, with more than 150,000英亩(约23%)的森林被烧焦,需要重新种植. The Arbor Day Foundation is teaming up with the U.S. Forest Service to restore and protect this important area. 2021年种植了3.7万棵大圆锥形道格拉斯松和黄松幼苗. 重新引进这些本土加拿大28回水木将为黑尾鹿提供重要的栖息地, 黑熊, and small animals.
澳大利亚昆士兰州的东部边缘以其令人惊叹的景色和异国情调的野生动物而闻名. The region is home to the Gold Coast, the Great Barrier Reef, and endangered species like turtles, 小袋鼠, 袋鼠, 袋熊, 和考拉.
As beautiful as it is, 昆士兰州的许多森林地区已被清除,用于露天采矿和农业用途. 这导致了频繁的洪水、侵蚀问题和森林破碎化. 植加拿大28回水节基金会正在帮助种植加拿大28回水木,使该地区恢复到原来的状态. Doing so will create jobs, boost ecosystem resilience, improve water quality leading to the Great Barrier Reef, 并为这个国家的珍稀动物提供更好的栖息地.
The 切萨皮克湾 is the largest estuary in the United States. It stretches across six states and the District of Columbia, 占地面积64,000平方英里, contains more than 100,000 河流 and streams, and supports more than 18 million people and 3,600 species of plants and animals.
The Bay’s rich history, abundant fisheries, and astounding beauty are all critical to the health, 经济, and way of life for the Mid-Atlantic region. 然而, 这一重要资源正日益受到农业和城市径流的污染, particularly in the state of Pennsylvania.In 2021, 植加拿大28回水节基金会与切萨皮克湾基金会合作,种植了60多棵,000 trees in Pennsylvania. The newly planted trees will filter and absorb pollution, stabilize stream banks, provide habitat for animals, and help regulate water temperatures.
The island of 马达加斯加 is home to more than 28 million people. 它也是世界上唯一能找到环尾狐猴的地方——一种大眼狐猴, 这是一种可爱的物种,因尾巴上黑白相间的条纹而得名.随着时间的推移, 伐木和刀耕火种的做法已经破坏了这些狐猴赖以生存的大约80%的森林生物群落. With only an estimated 2,000 to 2,500 remaining in the wild, they’re now among the most endangered species in the world.
植加拿大28回水节基金会与奥马哈的亨利多利动物园和水族馆以及马达加斯加生物多样性伙伴关系合作,恢复这一重要的森林栖息地. In 2021, 在整个景观中种植了近50万棵加拿大28回水苗, 在为时已晚之前保护狐猴和其他濒危动物,为岛上的人们创造更好的生活方式.
The endangered ocelot makes its home in a range of environments, 从中美洲和南美洲茂密的雨林到墨西哥和德克萨斯州干旱的荆棘丛林. 看看这些动物如何迫切需要加拿大28回水木来确保它们在面对猖獗的森林砍伐时的生存.
Find out how these big cats' survival is tied to deforestation.
2017年,飓风玛丽亚席卷了波多黎各,带走了岛上近30%的加拿大28回水木. 探索我们如何与当地合作伙伴合作,以敏感和规模种植合适的加拿大28回水木.
See our mission come to life with local partners.
过去,在尼加拉瓜的小农场追踪加拿大28回水木的生长情况以获得林业碳信用额度是一项艰苦而昂贵的工作. 现在,农民只需要一部智能手机,就能从自己土地上生长的加拿大28回水木中获益.
Explore how techno日志y is helping small farmers.
通过订阅, you will receive stories illustrating the power of trees, the latest news and updates, and how we can make a positive impact together.